Dec. 4th 2008: SWR interview about the Darwin Year special exhibition "Der Fluss des Lebens".
Sept. 3rd 2009: recording of SWR2 interview "Der Affe fällt nicht weit vom Stamm ..." by Sarah
Weiss on phylogenetic research and the PhyloTree project, published online as podcast (PDF) (listen as MP3-file).
Sept. 16th 2009: SWR2 interview by Rainer Zerbst on Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution (listen
as MP3-file).
Sept. 29th 2009: SWR interview by Rainer Zerbst on Darwins theory of evolution and the special
exhibition "Der Fluss des Lebens" (listen as MP3-file).
Oct. 23th 2009: recording of SWR2 interview "Vom Stammbaum der Pflanzen" by Konrad Lindner on
phylogenetic research, fossil insects, and plant evolution (aired on March 1st 2010 8:30 on SWR2 Wissen) (PDF) (listen as MP3-file 26.2 MB, script in German as PDF).
Nov. 24th 2009: Live interview by Kai Usung about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution at
HoRadS 88.6 (HochschulRadio Stuttgart).
Apr. 26th 2010: Interview by Nora Ludewig about evolution for omega-tau-podcast (listen as MP3-file 93.8 MB!).