Advocacy against Materialism and Neo-Darwinism: 2009 - 2015

In early February 2009 I made first contact with the Darwin critics of the ID community and Discovery Institute, and was invited to Seattle for a meeting end of March 2009.

The story is told (at time code 1:34:12) by Stephen C. Meyer in this video:

While officially still being a Darwinist myself, I organized a public panel debate about Intelligent Design vs Darwinism on November 24, 2009 at the State Museum for Natural History in Stuttgart / Germany. It was titled "Design without a Designer?" and participants were representatives of Intelligent Design and Creationism (Dr. Douglas Axe, Dr. Reinhard JunkerDr. Wolf Ekkehard Lönnig, and Markus Rammerstorfer) as well as Darwinian evolutionism (Prof. Martin Blum, Hansjörg Hemminger, Dr. Jürgen Kriwet, Dr. Michael Maisch, Dr. Mike Thiv). About 200 people were attending, but unfortunately just minutes before the event any audio and video recording was explicitly prohibited by the museum's director Prof. Johanna Eder. Reports (in German) by participants of this event are linked above. There was also a bizarre rant by the German humanist organization Giordano Bruno Stiftung after the announcement of the debate, that was answered by Prof. Reinhold Leinfelder.

Here is an archived brief online discussion I had in 2011 with an obnoxious internet infidel who calls himself "A-Unicornist", showing that the development of my thoughts was neither motivated by philosophy and nor by religion (such as Christianity, which I rejected).

For several years I secretly explored the ID arguments in depth and became more and more skeptical of Neo-Darwinism in this process. During these years I had various other meetings with ID proponents and many personal discussions that developed into good friendships.

In October 2015 I finally decided to make public my rejection of atheistic materialism and my skepticism about Neo-Darwinism with my new website and Facebook page.

My advocacy in 2016


My advocacy in 2017


My advocacy in 2018


My advocacy in 2019


My advocacy in 2020


My advocacy in 2021


My advocacy in 2022 (part 1)


My advocacy in 2022 (part 2)


My advocacy in 2023 (part 1)


My advocacy in 2023 (part 2)


My advocacy in 2024 (part 1)