I work as senior scientist for the Biologic Institute in Redmond and as senior fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and
Culture, focusing on paleontological evidence against Neo-Darwinism and for real teleology in nature. I am also co-founder and chairman of the academic association Zentrum für BioKomplexität & NaturTeleologie seated in Austria.
I was a staunch atheist and materialist until my early 40s, but after a spiritual journey that took several years I finally embraced a world
view of Pythagorean idealism. I now strongly reject atheism, naturalism, materialism, reductionism, and scientism. I did not change my
views in spite of being a scientist but because of it, based on a careful and critical evaluation of empirical data and rational arguments, following the evidence wherever it leads.
After some years of bad experiences I am no longer interested to discuss the arguments against atheism, materialism, and Neo-Darwinism on social media platforms. I also simply do
not have the time to answer common objections or general questions by email, given that many thoughtful responses can be easily googled on the internet or found in
commonly available books at Amazon.