I was born in 1963 and spent nearly all of my life in my Swabian hometown Böblingen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). In Summer 2018 we moved to our new home in small village of Echsenbach in Lower Austria.
I am married to my lovely Austrian wife Maria Luise (*1979) since 2005, and we have two wonderful children: Lukas Hendrik (*Jan. 2013) and Niklas Erik Ansgar (*Jan. 2015).
Our family tree (genealogy of the Bechly family back to the early 17th century, including the connection to American and Australian branches, and famous relatives like the painter Caspar David Friedrich, as well as the Austrian family of my wife Maria Luise né Winkelhofer).
Philosophy and metaphysics (philosophy of time, philosophy of mind, Pythagorean Illuminism, Quantum Idealism); modern science and its philosophical implications (quantum mechanics, relativity, cosmology, digital physics, neuroscience, evolution); Earth history and the fossil record (esp. fossil insects); critique of Neo-Darwinian macroevolution and of evolutionary gradualism (with special emphasis on paleontological evidence); activism against materialism and Neo-Darwinism (publications, talks, social media); nature, wildlife, and promethean environmentalism (ecomodernism, technogaianism); futurism and techno-utopianism; digital photography (esp. landscape and nature photography); aquarium hobby (marine reef tanks and aquascaping with planted tanks); bird watching; Apple MacOS and iOS; reading books about science, philosophy, and futurism; TV documentaries about science, nature, and history; SciFi and Fantasy movies; family genealogy; and last but not least family life.